Sunday, 14 September 2014

Petition news since February

The Save Our Cyclists petition has been quiet since February, so this post is to tell you there have been some big changes within the campaign.

Rhiannon, who started Save Our Cyclists, has moved to Switzerland for work and didn’t feel she could run the campaign from such a distance. After some searching in the cycle-campaigning community, Rhiannon has handed over the campaign to me, Fred, a structural engineer and cycle campaigner.  Rhiannon will continue to support the campaign as an advisor, and looks forward to seeing where we go next!

I feel there is still a lot the petition can achieve, especially on segregated lanes which was the issue most of our supporters told us we should push on. So expect more action on this soon, but in the meantime please support the North-South & East-West superhighways proposal if you haven't already.

I set up this blog to record the progress of the petition. It also includes a related petition I started before I became involved with Save Our Cyclists (the link is here and you're welcome to sign it). We will be using this to coordinate our next steps on the petition.  Please comment below if you have anything you'd like to share with us.

Finally I would like to leave you with an inspiring video from the Netherlands and if that speaks to you, here's a post about getting involved in cycle campaigning!

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