The following motion for the next London Assembly meeting has been proposed by:
Darren Johnson AM (Green Party) and seconded by:
Andrew Boff AM (Conservative Party). Supportive comments have also been made by the Labour Group and
Lib Dems. It is hoped that the London Assembly will reach a consensus on this crucial aspect of cycling and pedestrian safety:
This Assembly notes the tragic deaths of eight people cycling in London so far this year, seven of whom were killed in collisions with Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs).
Despite positive initiatives led by the Mayor, TfL and the MPS, this Assembly believes there are still too many dangerous HGVs on London’s roads.
We therefore call on the Mayor of London to work with the Government and commercial partners to implement the following policies:
- a rush-hour lorry ban, subject to the completion of a full impact assessment;
- the construction industry to adopt Construction Logistics and Cyclist Safety (CLOCS) standards across the board, including direct vision lorry cabs;
- confidential reporting of bad practice to be rolled out to all HGV drivers, irrespective of whether their employer wants to take part;
- comprehensive enforcement so that rogue operators do not permit unlicensed, untrained lorry drivers, or unsafe vehicles, to operate on our roads.
GLA motion on HGVs and Safety |
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